
Order form input example

I will guide you how to use the shopping cart.
Please order them in reference to the following.


Please click 【カートに入れる】.

※カートに入れる = put in a cart


Please click 【購入手続きへ進む】.

※購入手続きへ進む = to the purchase procedure


About the area of 《▼購入者情報》, please enter the following contents.

※《▼購入者情報》 = buyer information

■お名前    : Please enter your name.
■お名前(かな) : やまだ たろう (← Please copy and paste these examples.)
■郵便番号   : 100 0000 (← Please copy and paste these examples.)
■都道府県   : 東京都 (← Please copy and paste these examples.)
■市区郡    : 千代田区 (← Please copy and paste these examples.)
■町村字番地  : 0000 (← Please copy and paste these examples.)
■電話番号   : 000 0000 0000(← Please copy and paste these examples.)
■メールアドレス: Please enter your e-mail address.


Please click 【クレジットカード決済】 of 《▼お支払い方法選択》.

※《▼お支払い方法選択》 = choice of the means of payment
※【クレジットカード決済】 = credit card payment


Please click 【カード情報を入力する】.

※【カード情報を入力する】 = input your credir card information


Please input your credit card information.

・カード会社(your credit card company):Please choose your credit card company.
・回数(payment number):If you hope for lump sum payment, please choose "1回払".
・番号(card number):Please enter your credit card number.
・期限(expiration date of the credit card):Please choose the valid date for your credit card.
 ※月を選択 = month , 年を選択 = year
・名義(name on the credit card):Please enter name of your credit card.


Please click 【決定】.

※【決定】 = decision


Please click 【次へ】.

※【次へ】 = to next


Please enter this following items in the space of 《連絡事項》.

・shipping address
・your country
・your name
・your phone number


Please click 【いいえ】.


Please click 【次へ】.

※【次へ】 = to next


Please click 【この内容で注文する】.

※【この内容で注文する】 = I order them by these contents.

The procedure is complete. Thank you.

If you have a problem, please contact me.


Order form manual

I will guide you how to use the shopping cart.
Please order them in reference to the following.

At first, please login.
About login name & password, we guided you by an email.


Please click 【カートに入れる】.

※カートに入れる = put in a cart


Please click 【購入手続きへ進む】.

※購入手続きへ進む = to the purchase procedure


About the area of 《▼購入者情報》, please enter the following contents.

※《▼購入者情報》 = buyer information

■お名前    : Please enter your name.
■お名前(かな) : やまだ たろう (← Please copy and paste these examples.)
■郵便番号   : 100 0000 (← Please copy and paste these examples.)
■都道府県   : 東京都 (← Please copy and paste these examples.)
■市区郡    : 千代田区 (← Please copy and paste these examples.)
■町村字番地  : 0000 (← Please copy and paste these examples.)
■電話番号   : Please enter your phone number.
■メールアドレス: Please enter your e-mail address.


Please click 【クレジットカード決済】 of 《▼お支払い方法選択》.

※《▼お支払い方法選択》 = choice of the means of payment
※【クレジットカード決済】 = credit card payment


Please click 【カード情報を入力する】.

※【カード情報を入力する】 = input your credir card information


Please input your credit card information.

・カード会社(your credit card company):Please choose your credit card company.
・回数(payment number):If you hope for lump sum payment, please choose "1回払".
・番号(card number):Please enter your credit card number.
・期限(expiration date of the credit card):Please choose the valid date for your credit card.
 ※月を選択 = month , 年を選択 = year
・名義(name on the credit card):Please enter name of your credit card.


Please click 【決定】.

※【決定】 = decision


Please click 【次へ】.

※【次へ】 = to next


Please enter this following items in the space of 《連絡事項》.

・shipping address
・your country
・your name
・your phone number


Please click 【いいえ】.


Please click 【次へ】.

※【次へ】 = to next


Please click 【この内容で注文する】.

※【この内容で注文する】 = I order them by these contents.

The procedure is complete. Thank you.

If you have a problem, please contact me.


Order form manual

To order, you sure have to write order sheet.
But order sheet is not foreign form, so write it as follows.

  • 2014.12.28
  • 18:49

For international sending

Dear Customer,

We will send by EMS to foreign countries.

For international sending, you have to pay a mailing cost and packing fee(*).
(*packing fee : 65yen ~)


・Depending on national regulations, there are some things that we can not send the item.

・Rates vary depending on weights and destination country/area.

For orders, please order from the shopping cart of our site.
But order sheet is not foreign form, so write it as follows.

■お名前    : your name
■お名前(かな) : せい:やまだ めい:たろう
■郵便番号   : 100 0000
■都道府県   : 東京都
■市区郡    : 千代田区
■町村字番地  : 0000
■電話番号   : your phone number
■メールアドレス: your e-mail address

*For international sending, you can not choose "cash on delivery".

Please enter this following items in the space of「連絡事項」

・shipping by EMS
・your address
・your name
・your phone number

We will send you an email just after your order.

 ■Email subject: ご注文ありがとうございます(xxxxxxxx) ※ xxxxxxxx : your order number

In this email, commodity price are listed 【商品合計】.

There is an additional mailing cost other than this.

As soon as the mailing cost (transportation) is known,
we mail you the total price including the mailing cost.

※Please check the following URL.

◆Order form manual

We look forward to receiving your order.

thank you.

  • 今日
  • 休業日
  • 夏季休業日

